Liu Yang
Mr. Liu is a director and vice general manager of Baoying Renheng. He is principally responsible for overseeing the sales and marketing activities of Baoying Renheng. Mr. Liu has over 21 years of experience in sales and marketing. He was the vice general manager for sales of Zhuhai Gang Zhuhai Ming An Enterprise Co. Ltd. between July 1994 to June 2002, and subsequently acquired knowledge and experience in the tobacco machinery industry after joining Baoying Renheng in June 2004. He graduated with a bachelor’s degree in marketing from Changchun University of Science and Technology (formerly knownas Changchun Institute of Optics and Fine Mechanics) in July 1993.
An Zhangqi
Mr. An is the chief engineer of Baoying Renheng and is the head of the technical department as well as the procurement department of the Group. He has no less than 16 years of experience in the engineering field. Mr. An was the general manager of Yanlord Industrial (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd. from April 1995 to June 1996 and was appointed as the general manager of Zhuhai Special Economic Zone Ren Heng Electromechanical Company Limitedfrom July 1996 to December 1997. He was the chief engineer of a company engaged in the provision of environmental technology consultancy services between 2001 and 2005 prior to joining the Group in January 2006. He graduated with a bachelor’s degree in chemical engineering from Tsinghua University in November 1982.
Law Wai Ting
Ms. Law is the company secretary and financial controller of our Company. She joined our Group in September 2017 and is primary responsible for overall financial management and corporate governance of our Group. Ms. Law has over 11 years of experience in accounting and auditing profession. Prior to joining our Group, Ms. Law served in an international accounting firm. She is a member of the Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants.